Get registered for Hawgs in the Hills Poker Run in Yarnell Arizona!
Hawgs in the Hills is an adventure ride and poker run starting in Yarnell, Arizona. The ride will feature 5 stops as we wind our way through the Weaver Mountains and up to Prescott, Arizona.
Registration will start at Gilligans Pizza in Yarnell, we will head out on 5 more stops and return to Gilligans for the Finale and Live Music.
The Poker Run will be a benefit to 2 Charities, WeDevelop "Giving Helping Hands" and the Red and White Toy Run for the Children of Yavapai County. We will feature Live music at the final stop "Gilligans Pizza", raffles, giveaways, amazing food and much more.
Come out and join us while helping our local communities!
WeDevelop is a 501C3 for the local communities of Yavapai County Arizona. We join together with other charities to put on amazing events to help children and our Veterans across the County! Please join us in fun, family, American Values and best of all our communities!
The 2021 Hawgs in the Hills Poker Run will benefit WeDevelop and The Red and White Toy Run. Partnering with the Red and White Toy Run we look to raise funds and merchandise for the children of Yavapai County. Along with the run itself, we will have 50/50 raffles, prize raffles and ask for all participants to bring a toy, new clothing or hygiene bad for our local kids!
The even will feature food and drink along the way and:
1. $25.00 Entry Fee
2. $10.00 50/50 Raffle
3. $5.00 50/50 Raffle
4. $20.00 Pig Raffle
5. Live Music and Giveaways!